Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Themes of Language and Racial Identity in Native Speaker,...
Chang-Rae Lee’s Native Speaker expresses prominent themes of language and racial identity. Chang-Rae Lee focuses on the struggles that Asian Americans have to face and endure in American society. He illustrates and shows readers throughout the novel of what it really means to be native of America; that true nativity of a person does not simply entail the fact that they are from a certain place, but rather, the fluency of a language verifies one’s defense of where they are native. What is meant by possessing nativity of America would be one’s citizenship and legality of the country. Native Speaker suggests that if one looks different or has the slightest indication that one should have an accent, they will be viewed not as a native of†¦show more content†¦If one does not look Caucasian and are believed to be seen as different or an alien, then it is more difficult to claim that one is truly an American native. Chang-Rae Lee points out that if one does not look like a typical white American, people use different criteria to judge whether or not one is truly an American Native. That criterion is nativity of language. Since America was made upon immigration, many people in this country consists of different cultural backgrounds and races. The collective language of America buttresses the common ground among its native people. Therefore nativity of language is a set criterion of determining a person’s â€Å"native-ness†of a certain place. Native Speaker gives the reader a perspective on the extent of what immigrants go through in order to be accepted or claimed as a native of America through language and suppressing cultural identity. Chang-Rae Lee demonstrates what Asian Americans experience in order to be deemed as a native of America and to fit and have a place in American society. Chang-Rae Lee uses the themes of language and identity throughout the novel as he impressively exemplifies the experiences that Asian Americans undergo as an immigrant in the land of the free. Throughout the novel he focuses on the notion of language and how being a native speaker provides evidence for one to claim or be seen as a native of America. Chang-Rae Lee
Monday, December 16, 2019
Association Football and Soccer Free Essays
In this soccer essay we will discuss soccer. Soccer (also called football) is the most popular kind of sports in the world. It is more than 2000 years old. We will write a custom essay sample on Association Football and Soccer or any similar topic only for you Order Now Other sources say it is more than 3000 years old. The earliest forms of soccer existed in 1004 B. C. in Japan and in 50 B. C. in China. Japanese kicked a small round ball. Chinese filled heir leather ball with hair. It is known that Romans played a game that was similar to soccer. However, English Kings and Queens did not favor the game. In the UK, it was forbidden for many centuries until the beginning of the 19th century. Soccer essayIn such articles as this one, you must offer all basic information about the subject, explain the rules if it is a game and look back into history of the subject. However, it is not enough to write a good paper. You need to know the rules of writing such papers. Our online service can help you with your writing and provide you with essays of the highest quality. Like every game, soccer has rules. Now, in the soccer essay, we will discuss the rules. The game is played by two teams in a big field covered with grass. Each team consists of eleven players. Their object is to score the ball into the opponent’s goal. The rules are not difficult. The main rule states that it is forbidden to touch the ball with hands or arms (only the goalie can do it, he defends the goal). Also, players of different teams must not push or hit each other. The game is judged by the referee. There are goals at the opposite ends of the soccer field. The field has a goal box and a penalty box. Soccer players’ uniform consists of team jersey, shorts, socks, cleats, and shin guards. Every team has uniforms of different colors. Usually, the colors represent the country they play for. The World Cup is the most famous soccer championship. It is held every four years. Teams from many countries of the world compete with each other, and millions of people around the world watch the game on television at that time. It is a very competitive kind of sports that is why it is interesting to watch it. Soccer is popular with children as well. Boys around the world play soccer at their free time. This game is healthy because it involves much running. Nonetheless, it causes traumas sometimes. Soccer has simple rules; however, it is a difficult game. It is a highly strategic game that requires logical thinking, quick reaction and endurance as it is necessary to run without a rest for a long time. Players have different roles in the team. There are forwards who attack and score goals. There are defenders who help to defend the goal. The goalkeeper can touch the ball inside the goalie’s box. In this soccer essay, we discussed the game of soccer, presented basic information about it and explained its rules. Also, we considered the history of this most popular game in the world. How to cite Association Football and Soccer, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Computer Security Essay Sample free essay sample
Computer engineering permeates most facets of our lives. The ability to utilize computing machine engineering and to measure electronic information has become a basic accomplishment for most of people. In most topographic points of concern. a computing machine is standard. In the bank they use computing machines to look up for history information. They use computing machines in the car fix store to measure the autos. We can’t find books in the library by looking in a card catalog  we must utilize a computerized database. Doctors’ offices utilize computing machines to hive away patient information. The point is this  no affair what we’re making. a computing machine will be a basic tool we will hold to utilize and come with it is an of import thing: The Computer security. Computer security means to protect information. It deals with the bar and sensing of unauthorised actions by users of a computing machine. We will write a custom essay sample on Computer Security Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Computer security has come to play an highly critical function in today’s fast traveling. but constantly technically delicate concern environment. Consequently. secured communications are needed in order for both companies and clients to profit from the promotions that the Internet is authorising us with. The importance of this fact needs to be clearly highlighted so that equal steps will be implemented. non merely heightening the company’s day-to-day concern processs and minutess. but besides to guarantee that the much needed security steps are implemented with an acceptable degree of security competence when there’re so many menaces to the computing machine out at that place. The greatest menace to computing machine systems and their information comes from worlds. through actions that are either malicious or nescient. When the action is malicious. some motive or end is by and large behind the onslaught. For case. the end could be to interrupt normal concern operations. thereby denying informations handiness and production. This could go on between two rival companies or even as a fraud. Here is a existent life illustration: April 13. 2000. 3:55 P. M. Pacific clip: The Web site for the Motion Pictures Association of America ( MPAA ) is enduring intermittent outages. and the organisation suspects computing machine vandals are to fault. A beginning inside the organisation. who asked non to be identified. said that the MPAA is presently â€Å"experiencing jobs with their public Web site. and they suspect a denial-of-service ( DOS ) onslaught. †The onslaught was foremost rumored on hypertext transfer protocol: //www. hackernews. com/ . a Web site for intelligence on computing machine hacking. Another illustration was related to one of my uncles. he is a manager of a little company in my state. his company’s computing machines got an onslaught in 2007 and the consequence is they lost half of the information about their invitees. programs. and even the studies about their economic. I heard that all of the aggressors had been captured after that but it still made a bad consequence to the company’s repute. To accomplish their ends. aggressors use well-known techniques and methods to work exposures in security policies and systems. The following subdivision on security trades with the general menaces associated with computing machine systems and discusses the motivations or ends the aggressors have. techniques and methods for deriving entree. and the assorted exposures that could be in systems and security policies. Not all menaces. ends. exposures. and methods are discussed because they are so legion and they differ for each state of affairs. organisation. and system. Alternatively of placing each. the subdivision on menaces presents a guideline sketching how to place assorted menaces. methods. and exposures that exist in systems. Therefore. the intent of computing machine security is basically to forestall loss. through abuse of informations. There are a figure of possible booby traps that may originate if web security is non implemented decently. In more recent old ages. security demands have intensified. Data communications and e-commerce are reshaping concern patterns and presenting new menaces to corporat e activity. On a less dramatic note. grounds why organisations need to invent effectual web security schemes include the undermentioned: * Security breaches can be really expensive in footings of concern break and the fiscal losingss that may ensue. * Increasing volumes of sensitive information are transferred across the cyberspace or intranets connected to it. * Networks that make usage of internet links are going more popular because they are cheaper than dedicated chartered lines. This. nevertheless. involves different users sharing internet links to transport their informations. * Directors of concern organisations are progressively required to supply effectual information security. For an organisation to accomplish the degree of security that is appropriate and at a cost that is acceptable. it must transport out a elaborate hazard appraisal to find the nature and extent of bing and possible menaces. Countermeasures to the sensed menaces must equilibrate the grade of security to be achieved with their acceptableness to system users and the value of the informations systems to be protected.
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